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Kevin Mullett to Speak at Digital Summit Seattle

Kevin Mullett to Speak at Digital Summit Seattle

Kevin Mullett, our Director of Visibility and Social Media, returns to the speaking circuit on February 27th for the 2019 Digital Summit Seattle marketing conference.

Kevin will present Improving Local Relevance for Maximum Search Visibility and Social Engagement, a session focused on actionable tips, tactics, and tools for creating and leveraging a more locally relevant approach to online marketing. His talk will be inclusive to small local businesses and large international, multi-location corporations with tens to thousands of locations all seeking to efficiently scale their marketing programs.

 Attendees of this Seattle conference will learn how to:

  • Expand online visibility and engagement in your primary and secondary markets.
  • Increase local confidence, affinity, and conversions.
  • Generate content that speaks and provides value to your local audiences.
  • Improve business listings, reviews and reputation, and social listening at scale.

While this is not his first time speaking in Seattle, and certainly not about local marketing visibility and engagement, it is the first time he will be presenting at a Digital Summit event. “I’m really looking forward to speaking at this and other Digital Summit events this year.” says Kevin. “It’s a great opportunity to see fellow speakers I’ve become friends with over the years, as well as meet new speakers, practitioners, and attendees.” Kevin Mullett’s presentations are backed by his 25 years in sales and general marketing as well as 18 additional years of web development and online marketing. He’s an ADDY award-winning designer, too. Throughout his career, Kevin has been an ardent social media advocate, participant, and practitioner. His expertise has garnered him numerous speaking engagements – and a considerable worldwide following online. For MarketSnare clients, he develops visibility and social media marketing strategies, also providing diagnostics to resolve issues that affect online marketing and search visibility performance.

If you’d like to engage Kevin Mullett or any of our online marketing professionals to speak at your next event, write blogs, webinars, or participate in live chats or interviews, contact MarketSnare.

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